Meet The Doctor

Skill and compassion go hand in hand when providing exceptional patient care. As a dental professional, I stay up to date on the latest advancements in dentistry in order to provide the most current treatment options for my patients. As a doctor, I recognize that my patients are unique individuals who have placed a great deal of trust in me and my team. That is just one reason why I value each and every patient relationship.

I appreciate the time you’ve taken to visit this site and find out more about this dental practice, my team, and the many services we can provide to help you achieve optimum oral health.

Dr. Seung-hwan Chung


Dr. Seunghwan Chung, DDS, MS, a graduate of the School of Dentistry in South Korea, went to a 3 years full-time residency and Master’s Degree program in implant dentistry at Loma Linda University. 

Dr. Chung has served in the military as a military dentist in South Korea for three years. 

He also served as an associate professor of Advanced Education in Implant Dentistry at Loma Linda University from 2007 to 2021.

Furthermore, he has had multiple publications for his research in implant dentistry. (Shown Below)

Dr. Chung’s vision is to give the patient a great smile with good oral function and health


Published Literature

1. Determination of implant position for immediate implant placement in maxillary central incisors using palatal soft tissue landmarks. Chung SH, Park YS, Chung SH, Shon WJ. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2014 May-Jun;29(3):627-33.

2. Immediate single tooth replacement with subepithelial connective tissue graft using platform switching implants: a case series. Chung S, Rungcharassaeng K, Kan JY, Roe P, Lozada JL. J Oral Implantol. 2011 Oct;37(5):559-69.

3. Computer-guided immediate provisionalization of anterior multiple adjacent implants: surgical and prosthodontic rationale. Kan JY, Rungcharassaeng K, Oyama K, Chung SH, Lozada JL. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent. 2006 Nov-Dec;18(10):617-23.


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